East Midlands Community Archaeology Conference 2014
Mercian Archaeological Services CIC held their first Spring Conference on the 5th April 2014 at the University of Nottingham Archaeology Museum.
Andy Gaunt of Mercian Archaeological Services CIC presenting The Sherwood Forest Archaeology Project at the East Midlands Community Archaeology Conference 2014 |
This one day conference featured some of the best work undertaken by local Community Archaeology companies, groups and individuals from around the region.
Community Archaeology has come of age in recent times and heritage groups and volunteers are now setting incredible standards in archaeological research.
Community Archaeology is now a fully fledged branch of archaeology and there are also now a whole range of dedicated professionals who are full time Community Archaeology Providers.
There has been a sea-change in provision of services to Community groups in recent years with a move away from large commercial companies providing work on the side, and when funding was available - to full-time community archaeology providers and companies like Mercian Archaeological Services CIC who are dedicated to providing support to volunteers and groups.
Mercian’s first “East Midlands Community Archaeology Conference” reflected this change, with volunteers, groups and professional community archaeologists presenting their results and theories in a lively and informal way.
Many of the old barriers felt broken down as people talked, networked and enthused with other like-minded people.
It was a great day for idea sharing and project discussions, and much was learned through the course of the day about the excellent work being undertaken across the region.
There was also lively debate and networking during the refreshment breaks and in the museum.
Here is what some of the delegates had to say about the day:
“Thanks for one of the best conferences I have ever been to, and I have been to a few I can tell you…” - Richard Smith
“Fantastic, enjoyable and informative - real archaeology from the people who love it! Well done to you all” - Chris Rawson
“Thank you ALL so much. I met so many super-interesting new people today! Great to see so many old faces as well. Thanks for having me on the bill, hope to keep up to date with everyone else's projects for a long time to come as well”. - James Wright
“Absolutely brilliant day thanks Mercians for bringing together such a totally amazing group of speakers. Loved every bit” - Lorraine Dowen
“Excellent day and thanks to all the Mercian crowd for giving us the opportunity to talk about our projects” - Richard Tyndall
This one day conference featured some of the best work undertaken by local Community Archaeology companies, groups and individuals from around the region.
Community Archaeology has come of age in recent times and heritage groups and volunteers are now setting incredible standards in archaeological research.
Community Archaeology is now a fully fledged branch of archaeology and there are also now a whole range of dedicated professionals who are full time Community Archaeology Providers.
Community Archaeology in the East Midlands Conference 2014
Mercian Archaeological Services Community Archaeology
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Mercian Archaeological Services CIC held our first Spring Conference on the 5th April 2014 at the University of Nottingham Archaeology Museum.
The conference was very well attended, showing the great enthusiasm and appetite for community outreach and knowledge sharing in archaeology, and showcased work by the following speakers:
Tim Yarnell, The Forestry Commissions Archaeologist for England - Introductions
Stuart Reddish - the Friends of Thynghowe, Nottinghamshire
Sue Brown and Janet Spavold of the Ticknall Archaeological research Group, Derbyshire
John Lock -the Burgage Earthworks project in Southwell, Nottinghamshire
James Wright - the Archaeology and History of kings Clipstone Project, Nottinghamshire
Jim Priest, Volunteer Archaeologist, Sherwood Archaeology Society, Nottinghamshire
Richard Tyndall - Archaeology in Ancaster, Lincolnshire
Christine Rawson and Alex Sotheran of Elmet Archaeological Services Ltd. South Yorkshire
Daryl Garton - the Ice Age Journeys, Farndon, Nottinghamshire
Andy Gaunt of Mercian Archaeological Services CIC- the Sherwood Forest Archaeology Project, Nottinghamshire.
There has been a sea-change in provision of services to Community groups in recent years with a move away from large commercial companies providing work on the side, and when funding was available - to full-time community archaeology providers and companies like Mercian Archaeological Services CIC who are dedicated to providing support to volunteers and groups.
Mercian’s first “East Midlands Community Archaeology Conference” reflected this change, with volunteers, groups and professional community archaeologists presenting their results and theories in a lively and informal way.
Many of the old barriers felt broken down as people talked, networked and enthused with other like-minded people.
It was a great day for idea sharing and project discussions, and much was learned through the course of the day about the excellent work being undertaken across the region.
There was also lively debate and networking during the refreshment breaks and in the museum.
Here is what some of the delegates had to say about the day:
“Thanks for one of the best conferences I have ever been to, and I have been to a few I can tell you…” - Richard Smith
“Fantastic, enjoyable and informative - real archaeology from the people who love it! Well done to you all” - Chris Rawson
“Thank you ALL so much. I met so many super-interesting new people today! Great to see so many old faces as well. Thanks for having me on the bill, hope to keep up to date with everyone else's projects for a long time to come as well”. - James Wright
“Absolutely brilliant day thanks Mercians for bringing together such a totally amazing group of speakers. Loved every bit” - Lorraine Dowen
“Excellent day and thanks to all the Mercian crowd for giving us the opportunity to talk about our projects” - Richard Tyndall
The conference was very well attended, showing the great enthusiasm and appetite for community outreach and knowledge sharing in archaeology, and showcased work by the following speakers:
Tim Yarnell, The Forestry Commissions Archaeologist for England - Introductions
Stuart Reddish - the Friends of Thynghowe, Nottinghamshire
Sue Brown and Janet Spavold of the Ticknall Archaeological research Group, Derbyshire
John Lock -the Burgage Earthworks project in Southwell, Nottinghamshire
James Wright - the Archaeology and History of kings Clipstone Project, Nottinghamshire
Jim Priest, Volunteer Archaeologist, Sherwood Archaeology Society, Nottinghamshire
Richard Tyndall - Archaeology in Ancaster, Lincolnshire
Christine Rawson and Alex Sotheran of Elmet Archaeological Services Ltd. South Yorkshire
Daryl Garton - the Ice Age Journeys, Farndon, Nottinghamshire
Andy Gaunt of Mercian Archaeological Services CIC- the Sherwood Forest Archaeology Project, Nottinghamshire.
Please also have a look at this excellent review of the day by Lynda Mallett via the Sherwood Heritage blog: